Event Details:
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 3:00pm EST - 4:30pm EST

What Does it Mean to be Trauma-Informed? Considerations for Behavior Analytic Research and Practice

From May Institute's Distinguished Lecture Series

Presenter: Jennifer L. Austin, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Georgia State University

Description: Given the prevalence of trauma in the general population, trauma-informed care (TIC) has come to the forefront of many models of human service delivery. Because the populations with whom behavior analysts typically work are at elevated risk for experiencing traumatic events, the field of behavior analysis is beginning to explore the relevance of TIC to behavior analytic work. However, discussions of TIC across behavior analytic forums have sometimes been fraught with misconceptions about what it means to be trauma-informed and how the framework could be implemented in behavior analytic settings. Drawing on the TIC and behavior analytic literatures, as well as interviews with children and adolescents who have experienced abuse and neglect, this presentation will define the core commitments of TIC through a behavior analytic lens.

We will explore the potential benefits of TIC, providing recent examples from the behavior analytic literature. The presentation also will identify common misconceptions about what it means to be trauma-informed and how those misconceptions could impede good practice. Importantly, it will identify areas where more research is needed to identify both the benefits and potential limitations of TIC for behavior analysis.

Where: In-person and Online with Zoom (and it will be recorded as well)

This workshop will offer: 1 General CEU for BCBAs
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